Acquiring, Storing, And Inventorying Resources are Part of Which Nims Management Characteristic?

Acquiring, Storing, And Inventorying Resources are Part of Which Nims Management Characteristic?

Effective resource management facilitates a coordinated and efficient response to emergencies and disasters. It involves the allocation and deployment of resources to address the needs of the incident and the maintenance of accurate inventory records. By adhering to resource management principles, organizations can enhance their preparedness and response capabilities, ultimately contributing to the overall effectiveness of emergency management.

Proper resource management aligns with NIMS’s goal of efficient resource utilization and allocation during incidents and is an essential component of effective emergency response operations.


Nims Management Characteristics

Acquiring, storing, and inventorying resources are part of the resource management characteristic in NIMS.

Acquiring Resources

Acquiring resources is a crucial aspect of NIMS management. It involves obtaining the necessary supplies, equipment, and personnel to effectively respond to emergency situations. Proper acquisition techniques ensure organizations have the appropriate resources to meet various needs. This may include procurement from trusted suppliers, implementing contracting processes, or utilizing available resources from partnering agencies.

Storing Resources

Storing resources is another important NIMS management characteristic. It involves establishing secure and accessible storage facilities to safeguard supplies and equipment. Adequate storage ensures resources are readily available during emergency operations. Proper inventory control and record-keeping are essential to maintain an accurate stock of resources and enable quick retrieval when needed.

Inventorying Resources

Inventorying resources is a continuing process within NIMS management. It involves regularly reviewing and documenting the quantity, condition, and expiration dates of resources. This enables organizations to identify and address any deficiencies, plan for resource replenishment, and prevent overstocking or expiration of supplies. Regular audits and updates to inventory systems ensure efficient resource management.



Properly acquiring, storing, and inventorying resources is a crucial aspect of effective NIMS management. It ensures that organizations are well-equipped to handle emergencies and respond promptly. By implementing efficient resource management practices, organizations can enhance their preparedness and response capabilities.

By prioritizing resource allocation and tracking, NIMS facilitates coordinated efforts, minimizing delays and optimizing outcomes during critical incidents. So, organizations should prioritize resource management as an integral part of their NIMS strategy.

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